Plumbing & Septic

Septic install & upgrades (simple and complex)
Potable water distribution systems:
Main line upgrades & replacements,
Emergency service & repairs;
Water storage tank installation;
HDPE Fusion;​
Pump replacement and installation;
Treatment plant retrofits and construction;
Excavation, Clearing & Grading
Grading, excavation & pier drilling;
Trenching, backfill, & soil compaction;
Pond grading and lining;
Rural road development:
Maintenance and repair;
Resurfacing of gravel roads;
Material offhaul;
Vegetation management:
mowing, mulching and de-compaction;​
Fuel reduction & Fire defensible space;​
Tree removal;​
Spring development and catchment.
Water Storage

Tanks from 250 Gal - 6 Million Gal
Plastic: above ground, below ground, septic
Steel: bolted, welded, corrigated
Fiberglass: below ground
Resin: modular above ground

Compressed gas;
Process and treated water;
Specialized machining equipment;
Tenant improvements.
Contact: ken@hiddencreek.us | (208) 216-9216